Kindle Burn

August 12, 2023

Dear Friends and Family,

I hope this message finds you well in these post-pandemic times. It's been a challenging period, but I'm grateful that we're gradually getting back to normalcy. I'm excited to invite you to an event that I've been planning for a while now, and I can't wait to see you all again!

I understand that the pandemic has taught us to appreciate the things that matter most, and I'm grateful that you're close to my heart. Looking forward to catching up with everyone and creating new memories.

1. Opening Up Open Space - My family and I genuinely want you all to come to celebrate life with us this year on our 66-acre property on August 12th.

2. Work from Nature - Verizon works here with basically 100% service. My family and I have worked full weeks remotely hot-spotting from our phones at the cabin. Emails, calls and zoom meetings are fully accessible like at home. Other carriers do not work well, so you are invited to come early and leave late 🙂

3. Clean Facilities - This year, we're excited to announce that we're renting out outhouses for the event.

For those of you who haven't been to our hill recently (or at all), it is a 66-acre plot of land that has running water, a cabin, a barn, full electricity, kitchen and most importantly showers and a bathroom. The cabin will be reserved for any families with kids that might want to attend altogether. This could change as we get closer to the event. The rest of us will be camping up on the hill and having fun. Which is about a 10-minute walk or 1-minute drive onto the property.

This year, we have a new development to make your camping experience even more enjoyable: we will be introducing a crowdfunding campaign to rent convenient and comfortable outhouses! We're currently in the process of ironing out all the details, but rest assured, we'll keep you well-informed every step of the way. Stay connected with us, and we'll make sure you're the first to know as soon as we have more information to share. Get ready for an upgraded camping adventure!

It’s been a blast at our previous “Parties on the Hill.” People have affectionately started calling it "Burning John" This is a catchy title which I laugh at, but if you're new, this is not a 10 Principles event. No need for de-commodification and feel free and comfortable to wear branded clothing. You may have also noticed that we've rebranded this as, "Kindle Burn" - This is more of an attempt to see what would happen if we intentionally branded the event, but we're not actually picky

That said, this will be filled with music, fire, dancing, food, and all manner of outdoorsy fun. As always, feel free to come and go as you please. If you can come early and help prep this year please come Thursday the 10th (or earlier there are always projects). We hope to see you all on the night of Saturday the 12th where we have bonfire, dinner, dancing and celebrate life together.

Since social media is a little fractured these days, we will be maintaining this facebook event, a discord group as well as this website for those who don't do social media of any kind

If you have respectful people you would like to also attend with us, you can invite them via any of those channels. We'll have pictures from the past events as well as useful information and nearby attractions and amenities.

Those of you who are not familiar with the area I've attached some links to fun things to do within a 30-minute drive. Anyone who does not like camping but wants to have fun in the mountains for the weekend can always stay at Nemacolin the five-star resort which is about 25 minutes away from the property.

Open Invite

If you are interested, please let me know by August 1st or respond through any of the social media channels, we'll get ya! There's plenty of space for you and anyone you'd like to invite to our camping space on top of the hill. Please just let me know generally how many respectful people might be coming with you to camp.

Hope to see you all there!

A Taste of the Event

We're still going through the images to get a good gallery, but for now here's few from parties past to give you an idea of the event and encourage you to get snappy and share with everyone!